To Die is Gain!? Really!?
Excerpt from Sunday’s Sermon: Carlos L. Kelly, Senior PastorSeries: Philippians: Joy For the Journey
Subject: “It’s Not About Me”
Scripture: Philippians 1:21-26
Phillipians 1:21: For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (NKJV)
Some of you may be thinking: Wow! Now that’s spiritual maturity! But Paul makes an excellent point in Philippians. How do you view death? Are you afraid to die? Paul’s life was centered on Christ. So he viewed dying to being with Christ as something far better than living this earthly life. It takes someone who is connected with God to be able to view life from this point of view. (In my opinion, the only point of view.) You see, death is only gainful when you are connected to God. It is then that you are sure that you will spend your eternal life in heaven. A new life that is free from the presence and influence of sin. No sin means no sickness or suffering.
Remember, God sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to pay the debt for all man’s sin. (John 3:16) All we have to do is confess our sins, repent (requires a complete about-face from sin), and accept Christ as Lord in our life. (Romans 10:9) Those are the steps to being saved and understanding the viewpoint on life that Paul expresses in Phillippians 1:21.
What does it mean for Christ to be Lord of your life? In order to live a life with Christ as Lord, you have to be willing to let God be your navigational system. With this approach to life, you will always get to the right place at the right time. Who or what is navigating your life? Is it the people you try to impress? What defines your life? Is it your car, your house, your education? You will be much better off letting Christ define you, by making Him the center of your life. Besides, trying to please people will only drive you crazy!
Notice that Paul has a conflict. Paul’s will to die and be with God in heaven is different from God’s will. Watch how Paul handles the situation in verse 1:25. Paul comes to the realization that God will not call him home until his purpose is complete here on Earth. Are you walking in the purpose that God has for you? You do know you that you have a purpose right?
I wish I could say that I was walking in my God-given purpose, but I dont really think i've found it yet. I've got a lot more praying to do before I reach the level of connectivity that Paul has, where he can clearly discern God's will for his life.
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